Skip to Products or Skip to Filters or Read More Information About This Category Vase Trophies and Engraved Bowl Awards Page 3 Home / Awards and Plaques / Vase Trophies Filter: 64 Vase Trophies and Engraved Bowl Awards Sort by: Bestselling Newest Price $ - $$$ Price $$$ - $ Name Aa-Zz Name Zz-Aa Scroll Up Î Show Filters TFY-BWL6593 Chappell Bowl $107.33 $147.04 TFY-BWL6593 TFY-BWL871 Cherry Footed Bowl $120.28 $164.78 TFY-BWL871 TFY-BWL6532 Doherty Bowl $77.36 - $142.96 $105.98 - $195.86 TFY-BWL6532 TFY-VSE4801 Sheehan $103.28 - $144.58 $141.49 - $198.07 TFY-VSE4801 TFY-BWL6553 Tatum Bowl $102.47 $140.38 TFY-BWL6553 TFY-VSE5952 Tatum Vase $95.18 - $119.47 $130.40 - $163.67 TFY-VSE5952 TFY-BWL922 Simons Bowl $95.18 $130.40 TFY-BWL922 TFY-VSE801 Lawson Vase $82.22 - $178.60 $112.64 - $244.68 TFY-VSE801 TFY-TPY6762 Joyce Footed Bowl $387.36 - $616.84 $530.68 - $845.07 TFY-TPY6762 1 2 3 Skip Filters + Categories All Categories (11067) Awards and Plaques (7273) Vase Trophies (64) + Price Range $10.00 - $24.99 (4) $13.70 - $34.24 (4) $25.00 - $49.99 (16) $34.25 - $68.49 (16) $50.00 - $99.99 (24) $68.50 - $136.99 (24) $100.00 + (42) $137.00 + (42) $ to $ + Size Less Than 5" (1) 5" - 6.9" (19) 7" - 8.9" (23) 9" - 12.9" (49) 13" - 14.9" (13) 15" or more (3) to + Material Crystal (53) Glass (8) + Style Cup (59) Towers (1) + Color Blue (2) Clear (62)