Select Decorating Method:
Apparel Digital Transfer
Choose a Size:
Black (358), Team Red
Black (438), Invictus
Black (938), Quarry
Black, Quarry (995)
Quarry (125), White
Quarry (573), Vintage Navy
Choose a Decoration:
Apparel Digital Transfer
Choose a Location:
- Across Back Seam
- Across Front Panels
- Across Left Side Seam
- Across Right Side Seam
- Left Back Panel
- Left Front Panel
- Left Side Panel
- On Strap
- Right Back Panel
- Right Front Panel
- Right Side Panel
(Per Template) Chest, Horizontal - Centered on Front across Ches
(Per Template) CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Full Left Chest
across lft Chest at angle from botm of placket towards shoulder
Back - Centered on Yoke
BACK YOKE, Horizontal, - Centered on Yoke
BACK YOKE, Horizontal, - Centered on yoke in Panel
BACK YOKE, Horizontal, - Centered on yoke Panel
BACK YOKE, Horizontal, - Centered on yoke under logo
BACK YOKE, Horizontal, - Centered on yoke, alternative size
BACK, Horiozntal, - Off-Centered on User's Back Left, below seam
BACK, Horiozntal, - Off-Centered on User's Back Right, below sea
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered across seam above opening, Straight
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered at Bottom of Back across panels
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered at Bottom of Users Back Left Panel
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered at Bottom of Users Back Right Panel
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered below panel on upper back
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across hips
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across Shoulders
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across shoulders below seam
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across Shoulders in panel
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across shoulders, below hoo
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across shoulders, wide
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below hood
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below seam
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below shoulder panel
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below vent, wide
BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on closure strap
BACK, Horizontal, - Large Seam Front, Centered on User's back lo
BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back across Shoulders
BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back across shoulders below seam
CHEST, Horizontal, - across Left Chest at angle from bottom of p
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered across Chest below placket
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on chest below placket
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on front across chest
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Front across chest below placke
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Front below placket
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Upper Left Chest in Panel
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Upper Right Chest in Pane
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Chest
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest Above pocket
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest above seam
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest below Panel
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest below pocket seam
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest below seam
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest following bottom sea
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest in Panel along seam
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Chest in Stripe
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest on pocket
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest Pocket
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left chest, wide
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Chest
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on right chest above pocket
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest above seam
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest below panel
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest below seam
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest below seam along zi
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest following bottom se
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest in Panel
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Chest in Stripe
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest pocket
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest Pocket along zipper
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right chest, wide
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Upper Left chest in panel along
CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Upper Right chest in panel alon
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Left Chest
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Left chest along placket
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Left chest along Placket zipper
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Left chest along seam
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Left chest along top of placket
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Left chest along zipper
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Left Chest along zipper below seam
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right Chest
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right Chest along Placket
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right chest along Placket zipper
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right chest along pocket zipper
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right chest along top of placket
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right chest along zipper
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right Chest along zipper below seam
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right chest below seam along zipper
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right chest Pocket along zipper
CHEST,Vertical - Centered on Right chest pocket, along zipper
cntr on botm rt corner of frnt Pocket without Elevate tag
cntr on cntr panel on top of hood along frnt (hood down)
cntr on cntr panel on top of hood along frnt (hood up)
cntr on frnt lft collar along frnt zippered (collar down)
cntr on frnt rt collar along frnt zippered (collar down)
cntr with Base of Art 2.5" up from botm of end WITH Roots tag
cntr with Base of Art 2.5" up from botm of end without Roots tag
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Back of collar
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Back of collar (collar down)
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Back of collar (collar up)
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar (collar up)
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar along front z
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Left Collar along Outside
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar point
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar, along bottom
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar, at chest hei
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Right
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar (collar up)
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar along front
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar along outsid
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar point
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar, along botto
COLLAR, Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar, at chest he
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Back of collar
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Back of collar in panel
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on back of collar panel
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Back of collar, folded down
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left Collar along Outside
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar panel
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar point
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left collar, along outside
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar along outside
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar panel
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar point
COLLAR,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right collar, along outsid
CUFF, Horizontal, - Centered on top-side of Left Hand Cuff
CUFF, Horizontal, - Centered on top-side of Left Hand Cuff, wide
CUFF, Horizontal, - Centered on top-side of Right Hand Cuff
CUFF, Horizontal, - Centered on top-side of Right Hand Cuff, wid
CUFFED, BACK, Horizontal, - LED Back, Base of art 0.5" above cuf
CUFFED, BACK, Horizontal, - Tag Back, Centered on Cuff panel
CUFFED, FRONT, Horizontal, - Large Seam Back, Centered on cuff p
CUFFED, FRONT, Horizontal, - Large Seam Back, Centered on cuffed
CUFFED, FRONT, Horizontal, - Tag Front, Centered on Cuff panel
CUFFED, LEFT SIDE, - Horizontal,Large Seam Right, Centered on cu
CUFFED, LEFT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Right, Centered on c
CUFFED, LEFT SIDE, Horizontal, - LED Left,Centered on cuff panel
CUFFED, RIGHT SIDE, - Horizontal,Large Seam Left, Centered on cu
CUFFED, RIGHT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Left, Centered on c
Face-Mask, Horizontal, - Centered on Front of mask below hem
FRONT, Horiozntal, - Off-Centered on User's Front Left, below se
FRONT, Horiozntal, - Off-Centered on User's Front Right, below s
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered in panel below stripes, with Roots
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered in panel below stripes, without Ro
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on bottom right corner of Front Po
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Front across panel
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Front across panels
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Pocket with Elevate tag
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Pocket without Elevate ta
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Front, 0.5" up from bottom edge
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Front, above pocket with Elevat
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Front, above pocket without Ele
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Users Front Left Panel
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered on Users Front Right Panel
FRONT, Horizontal, - Centered with Base of Art 2.5" up from bott
FRONT, Horizontal, - Large Seam Back, Base of art 1" up
FRONT, Horizontal, - Large Seam Back, Centered on lower panel
FRONT, Horizontal, - Large Seam Back, Centered on panel
FRONT, Horizontal, - Large Seam Right, Base of art 1" up
FRONT, Horizontal, - Users Front Left Panel
FRONT, Horizontal, - Users Front Right Panel
FRONT, Vertical, - Centered on Front, above pocket with Elevate
FRONT, Vertical, - Centered on Front, above pocket without Eleva
FRONT, Vertical, - Centered with Base of Art 2.5" up from bottom
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Left Hip along seam
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Left hip along Side
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Right hip along Side
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip along pocket zipper
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip along seam
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip along side
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip along side seam
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip along zipper
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip pocket along zipper
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right hip
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right hip along pocekt zipper
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right hip along pocket zipper
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right hip along seam
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right Hip along side
HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right hip along zipper
HIP, Vertical, - Front Right Hip Pocket along black zipper
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Back Left Hip
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Back Left hip in panel
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Back Left hip, wide
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Back Right Hip
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Back Right hip, wide
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front hip pocket
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left hip
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left hip along bottom seam
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left hip along seam
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left hip on pocket
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left hip pocket
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left hip pocket along bottom
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Left hip, wide
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on front pocket
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right hip
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right Hip along bottom hem se
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right hip along bottom seam
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right hip along seam
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right hip on pocket
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right hip pocket
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right hip pocket along bottom
HIP,Horizontal - Centered on Front Right hip, wide
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left Hip
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left hip, wide
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right Hip
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right hip, wide
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front hip pocket
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left Hip along bottom hem se
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip along placket
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip below pocket
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip pocket
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip pocket flap
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip, wide
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right hip
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right Hip along bottom hem s
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right hip along placket
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right hip below pocket
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right hip pocket
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right hip pocket flap
HIP,Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right hip, wide
Hood, Horizontal - Centered along front edge of Hood in center p
Hood, Horizontal - Centered on Center Hood panel (hood down)
Hood, Horizontal - Centered on Center Hood panel (hood up)
Hood, Horizontal - Centered on Front hood panel(hood down)
Hood, Horizontal - Centered on Front hood panel(hood up)
HOOD, Horizontal, - Centered on center panel on top of hood alon
HOOD, Horizontal, - Centered on Front hood panel, hood down
HOOD, Horizontal, - Centered on Front hood panel, hood up
HOOD, Horizontal, - Centered on hood panel along seam, hood down
HOOD, Horizontal, - Centered on hood panel along seam, hood up
HOOD, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Side of Hood (hood up)
HOOD, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Side of Hood (hood up)
IMPACT HIP Horizontal - Centered on Back Left Hip
IMPACT HIP Horizontal - Centered on Back Right Hip
IMPACT HIP Horizontal - Centered on Front Left hip
IMPACT HIP Horizontal - Centered on Front Right hip
IMPACT HIP-WRAP, Horizontal, - Centered on Left hip, wrap
IMPACT HIP-WRAP, Horizontal, - Centered on Left hip, wrap panel
IMPACT HIP-WRAP, Horizontal, - Centered on Right hip, wrap
IMPACT HIP-WRAP, Horizontal, - Centered on Right hip, wrap panel
IMPACT HIP-WRAP, Vertical - Centered on Left hip, wrap panel
IMPACT HIP-WRAP, Vertical - Centered on Right hip, wrap panel
IMPACT, Back, Horizontal - Centered on Back across hips
IMPACT, Back, Horizontal - Centered on BACK across shoulders
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Left Hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Left hip along Side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Left hip in side panel
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Right Hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Right hip along Side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Right hip in side pane
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Left hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Left hip along side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Left hip along zipper
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Right hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Right Hip along side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Right hip along zippe
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on BACK
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across hips
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across hips below s
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across hips in pane
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Across Shoulder bel
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across Shoulders
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across Shoulders ab
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across shoulders al
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across shoulders be
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across Shoulders in
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across shoulders, b
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back along bottom seam
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below hood
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below panel
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below Panel along s
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below seam
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below shoulder pane
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below upper panel
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below vent
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back below vent in panel
IMPACT, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Back, below hood
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on BACK
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back across Shoulders
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back across shoulders belo
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back below panel
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back below panels
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back below seam
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back below upper panel
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back below vent
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back below vent in panel
IMPACT, BACK, Vertical, - Centered on Back down Spine
IMPACT, CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on front across chest
IMPACT, CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Across Chest abov
IMPACT, CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Front across chest belo
IMPACT, CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Front across zipper
IMPACT, CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Front below Panel along
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Front across Chest
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Front across chest below p
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Left Chest
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Left chest along seam
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Left chest along zipper
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Left chest below Panel
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Left chest below seam
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Right Chest
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Right chest along zipper
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Right chest below panel
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Centered on Right chest below seam
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Vertical Centered on Left Chest
IMPACT, CHEST, Vertical - Vertical Centered on Right Chest
IMPACT, HIP WRAP - Horizontal, Centered on Right hip, wrap
IMPACT, HIP-WRAP, Horizontal - Centered on Left hip, wrap
IMPACT, HIP-WRAP, Horizontal - Centered on Right hip, wrap
IMPACT, Hip, Horizontal - Centered on Back Left Hip
IMPACT, Hip, Horizontal - Centered on Back Right Hip
IMPACT, HIP, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left Hip
IMPACT, HIP, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right Hip
IMPACT, HIP, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip
IMPACT, HIP, Horizontal, - Centered on front pocket
IMPACT, HIP, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right hip
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Left Hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Left hip along Side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Right Hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Back Right hip along side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Left hip along center
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Left hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Left hip along side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Left hip along zipper
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Right hip along center
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Right hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical - Centered on Front Right Hip along side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Left Hip
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Left Hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Left hip along Side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Left hip along side se
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Left hip in panel
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Right Hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Right hip along Side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Back Right hip along side s
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left hip along side
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right hip
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right hip along seam
IMPACT, HIP, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right Hip along side
IMPACT, SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Left should
IMPACT, SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Right shoul
IMPACT, SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Full Left Sleeve
IMPACT, SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Full Right Sleeve
INNER JACKET, Back Yoke, Horizontal - Centered on Yoke
INNER JACKET, BACK, Horizontal, - Centered on Yoke
INNER JACKET, Chest, Horizontal - Centered on Left Chest
INNER JACKET, CHEST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Chest
INNER JACKET, Sleeve, Horizontal - Centered on Left Sleeve Bice
INNER JACKET, SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bice
INSIDE JACKET, Horizontal, - Centered on Back across Shoulders
INSIDE JACKET, Horizontal, - Centered on front across chest
INSIDE JACKET, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Chest
INSIDE JACKET, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep
INSIDE JACKET, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Chest
INSIDE JACKET, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Sleeve Bicep
INSIDE JACKET, Vertical, - Centered on Back across Shoulders
INSIDE JACKET, Vertical, - Centered on Left Chest
INSIDE JACKET, Vertical, - Centered on Right Chest
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left hip pocket
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left Hip Pocket pa
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right hip pocket
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right Hip Pocket p
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Inner label panel, tall
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Inner label panel, wide
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Inside Left Hip Pocket
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Inside Right Hip Pocket
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Hip Pocket panel
INSIDE PIECE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Hip Pocket panel
LED bk Base of art 0.5" above cuffed panel cntr below seam
LEFT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Right, Base of art 1" up
LEFT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Right, Centered on lower pan
LEFT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Right, Centered on panel
LEFT SIDE, Horizontal, - Tag Left, Base of art 1 inch up
LEFT SIDE, Horizontal, - Tag Right, Base of art 1 inch up
LOWER LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left leg along side
LOWER LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right leg along side
LOWER LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left leg along side
LOWER LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right leg along side
LOWER LEG, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left leg along side
LOWER LEG, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right leg along side
MIDDLE LEG, - Horizontal,Centered on Front Left leg below pocket
MIDDLE LEG, - Horizontal,Centered on Front Right leg below pocke
MIDDLE LEG, - Vertical,Centered on Back Right leg below pocket
MIDDLE LEG, - Vertical,Centered on Front Left leg below pocket
MIDDLE LEG, - Vertical,Centered on Front Right leg below pocket
MIDDLE LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left leg below pocke
MIDDLE LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right leg below pock
MIDDLE LEG, Vertical, - Centered on Back Left leg below pocket
MIDDLE LEG, Vertical, - Centered on Back Right leg below pocket
MIDDLE LEG, Vertical, - Centered on Front Left leg below pocket
MIDDLE LEG, Vertical, - Centered on Front Right leg below pocket
POUCH, Horizontal, - Centered on Front of Pouch
POUCH, Horizontal, - Large Seam Back, Centered on Front of Pouch
Pouch, Horizontal, Strap Top Left - Centered on Front
Pouch, Horizontal, Strap Top Right - Centered on Front
POUCH, Vertical, - Large Seam Back, Centered on Front of Pouch
RIGHT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Back, Base of art 1" up
RIGHT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Left, Base of art 1" up
RIGHT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Left, Centered on lowere pa
RIGHT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Left, Centered on panel
RIGHT SIDE, Horizontal, - Tag Left, Base of art 1 inch up
RIGHT SIDE, Horizontal, - Tag Right, Base of art 1 inch up
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left shoulder above sea
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left shoulder above str
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left shoulder along sea
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left shoulder along top
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left Shoulder below cre
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left Shoulder below pan
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left shoulder below sea
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Left Shoulder in panel
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right shoulder above se
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right shoulder above st
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right shoulder along se
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right shoulder along to
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right Shoulder below cr
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right Shoulder below pa
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right shoulder below se
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Back Right Shoulder in panel
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left shoulder above se
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left shoulder above st
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left shoulder along se
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left shoulder below pa
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left shoulder below se
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left shoulder in panel
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right shoulder above s
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right shoulder along s
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right shoulder below p
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right shoulder below s
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right shoulder in pane
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on High-Back Left shoulder abov
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on High-Back Left shoulder alon
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on High-Back Left shoulder in p
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on High-Back Right shoulder abo
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on High-Back Right shoulder alo
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on High-Back Right shoulder in
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Left below seam
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Left shoulder
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Left shoulder below
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Left shoulder panel
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Right below seam
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Right Shoulder
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Right shoulder belo
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Centered on Mid-Back Right shoulder pane
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Back Left Shoulder above seam
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Back Right Shoulder above sea
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Front Left Shoulder above sea
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Front Left Shoulder below sea
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Front Right Shoulder above se
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Front Right Shoulder below se
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on High-Back Left Shoulder above
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on High-Back Left Shoulder in pa
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on High-Back Right Shoulder abov
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on High-Back Right Shoulder in p
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Mid-Back Left Shoulder
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Mid-Back Left Shoulder above
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Mid-Back Left Shoulder below
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Mid-Back Right Shoulder
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Mid-Back Right Shoulder above
SHOULDER, Horizontal, - Cetered on Mid-Back Right Shoulder below
SIDE, Horizontal, - Centered at Bottom of Users Left Side Panel
SIDE, Horizontal, - Centered at Bottom of Users Right Side Panel
SIDE, Horizontal, - Centered on Users Left Side Panel
SIDE, Horizontal, - Centered on Users Right Side Panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered Above Left sleeve Cuff
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered Above Right sleeve Cuff
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Sleeve Bicep
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Above Cuff
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve above Cuff above h
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep above pocket
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep above seam
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep below seam
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep in lower pan
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep in panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep Pocket
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep, wide
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Sleeve Cuff
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve cuff above hem
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve cuff above panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve cuff above seam
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left Sleeve Cuff in panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Cuff panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Cuff, cuff down
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Left sleeve Cuff, cuff up
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Above Cuff
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve above Cuff above
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Sleeve Bicep
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep above seam
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep below seam
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep in lower pa
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep in panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Sleeve Bicep, oversized
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep, wide
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Sleeve Cuff
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve cuff above hem
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve cuff above panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve cuff above seam
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right Sleeve Cuff in panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve cuff panel
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Cuff, cuff down
SLEEVE, Horizontal, - Centered on Right sleeve Cuff, cuff up
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Full Left Sleeve
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Full Right Sleeve
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep above seam
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep below seam
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Bicep, front-side al
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Forearm
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Forearm along seam
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Forearm in panel
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Inner Bicep along se
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Right Sleeve Bicep
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep above seam
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep below seam
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Right sleeve Bicep, front-side a
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Right sleeve Forearm
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Right sleeve Forearm along seam
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Right sleeve Forearm in panel
SLEEVE, Vertical, - Centered on Right sleeve Inner Bicep along s
SLEEVE,Vertical, - Centered on Left Sleeve Bicep
SLEEVE,Vertical, - Centered on Left sleeve Forearm
SLEEVE,Vertical, - Centered on Right sleeve Forearm
STORM-FLAP, Vertical, - Centered at top of exterior flap
UN-CUFFED, FRONT, Horizontal, - Large Seam Back, Base of art 1"
UN-CUFFED, LEFT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Right, Base of ar
UN-CUFFED, RIGHT SIDE, Horizontal, - Large Seam Left, Base of ar
UPPER LEG, - Horizontal,Centered on Front Right leg pocket
UPPER LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left leg along side
UPPER LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Left leg pocket
UPPER LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right leg along side
UPPER LEG, Horizontal, - Centered on Front Right leg pocket
User- - Defined
WAIST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left waist above hip pocket
WAIST, Horizontal, - Centered on Left waist above hip pocket, al
WAIST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right waist above hip pocket
WAIST, Horizontal, - Centered on Right waist above hip pocket, a
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